Update (9/5): After a few more days, things are trending upward at least a little bit, with user scores ticking as more people have seen the show, but they’re still a lot lower than Amazon would like to see, no doubt. But if you’re seeing these scores and questioning the quality of the show, I’d…take into consideration who is submitting these reviews and why, and make up your own mind once you see it. Will Amazon turn reviews back on eventually? I don’t know, probably not for a while.

But we haven’t seen the same level of backlash compared to what’s happening with Rings of Power. This does seem to be at a level that House of Dragon managed to avoid, even as it faced similar controversies (cast members faced racist abuse for playing black nobles on that show). The general idea is that Jackson’s trilogy was faithful to the work while this is not.Īgain, I’m not saying any of this is correct, or even the majority opinion of fans, but all of it feeds into the reasons for the flood of low scores for the series. Then just…take your pick of any number of things that die-hard Tolkien devotees see as the show departing from the source material, or skipping over parts that should have been adapted instead.I read that the Harfoots having Irish/English country accents have offended some people in that region because they’re depicted as dirty, gypsy types.Complaints are that this clashes with Tolkien’s original work and has led to debates about “whether dwarves can be black because they live underground.” There have been long, long running controversies about how the show has included black elves, dwarves and humans in this adaptation, as opposed to the overwhelmingly white original trilogy.In general, the show has let its female characters slay out, including both Bronwyn and Galadriel. Some fans are upset Galadriel is now a warrior instead of the sword-free sorceress she was in the LOTR trilogy.Among the reasons for the negative reviews: